Brisbane Metatron Golden Dragon NLS - Research Diagnostic Device
Disclaimer. These instruments are solely used as a research tool in order to assist alongside medical pathology tests and other diagnostic tools. We make no claims of diagnostic, treatment and recovery of any disease. If anyone is interested in finding more about it please call the clinic.
How does the technology work?

The individual spectrum of such endogenous oscillations is rather complex because of superposition of oscillations from different sources within an organism.
The broad spectrum of frequencies of the endogenous EM oscillations represents the broad spectrum of sources of such oscillations within an organism.
Basically, two regions of the whole spectrum of EM oscillations of biological systems may be specified: the region of extremely low frequencies (corresponding to the infrared light), and the region of high frequencies (corresponding to the ultraviolet light).The high-frequency end of the spectrum of endogenous EM oscillations corresponds to the emission of so called biophotons.
• Latest Professional Golden Dragon Metatron NLS System
• NLS Bioresonance Diagnostic and Therapy Device
• original Golden Dragon Software
Metatron Golden Dragon or Non-linear Scanning (NLS) safely and accurately scans your body in three dimensions, pinpointing all of the contributing factors of your condition, getting to the root cause.
golden Dragon NLS is an advanced Non-Invasive, Research Diagnostic Device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions up to the eight levels: entire organ, tissue, cell, nucleus, chromosome, DNA helix, ultrastructure or molecule, then provides intervention/support.
Metatron or Non-linear Scanning (NLS) scans your body in 3D and pinpoints all of the contributing factors and gets to the root of the cause, often attending to them on the spot. Metatron NLS is safe, cost effective and non-invasive – and accurate to 86%!
Some pathology labs have a huge orror margin when testing (see research)
The Metatron NLS can automatically tune to the frequency of the relevant tissue without human intervention, as well as detect and correct the pathology in organs and body cells. It can automatically localise where there are cell changes, inherited conditions, and finds the reason at the genetic level.
Metatron stimulates the target area with the appropriate resonate frequencies and re-energises the target area, such as the cells or organ, to encourage the natural healing processes of the body.
The Metatron NLS is the most advanced information technology available today and can be considered the most remarkable accomplishment of modern natural science.
Metatron allows three-dimensional scanning. It passes cellular cuts, tissue cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and goes deeper to fragments of the DNA helix. The system records the frequency fluctuations of any cell/tissue/organ and adds them to the many thousands already held in the database for pathology (conditions) testing. Metatron then searches for a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristics of the pathological process and selects the most effective remedy.
∙ Automatically Detect Root Cause 3-D Spiral Scanning Method
∙ 1432 Organs and Tissues
∙ 4012 Preparations and Processes
∙ Extended Database of Etalons
∙ Bacteria Research and Therapy
∙ Preparation of Personified Remedies
- organopreparations
- biochemical homeostasis
- pathomorphology
- microorganisms and parasites
- allergens
- allopathy
- nutriceutics
- homeopathy
- phytotherapy
- lithotherapy
- food products
The Metatron NLS is able to trace any condition in the body through changes in the resonance of body tissue. Every object, small or large has its own individual frequency or oscillation that vibrates at a different frequency from any other substance.
Metatron can detect and match the frequency of any human body part, organ, tissue, cell, DNA or chemical. It automatically detects and localises cell changes down to a genetic level and corrects the imbalances.
- What allergies or sensitivities you may have
- What foods are the most suitable for you
- Status of each of your body systems, organs, tissue, cells and DNA
- Status of your immune system
- How bad bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses are affecting your health
- If you have nutritional deficiencies
- If you are taking the right supplements
- And if you have inflammation in your body
- Why your energy is so low
- How your digestive system is functioning
- Why you have difficulties maintaining your weight
- Why you are fatigued
- How your lifestyle is affecting your health
- How your genes are impacting on your health
- If you have heavy metal toxicity
- If you need antioxidants
- And if your body organs functioning at their optimum level
The Metatron NLS possesses a wide spectrum of mineral and gem healing, which allows it to select the most suitable vibration of a crystal and to carry application of crystal litotherapy.
Metatron has the possibility to evaluate not only tissues of the human organism, but also an ultra structure of microbial agents, viruses, helminthes, rickettsia, toxoplasms and investigates which is the best antimicrobial medication.
The Metatron NLS Golden Dragon contains a huge database of medical products, herbs, nutritional and food supplements. The automatic software selection of interventions for dispensing.
One session can take up to 2 hours consisting of a detailed body scanning in 3D, investigations and interventions.
Investigations include:
All pathology at any level i.e. body organ, tissue, cell or DNA; or at the level of the disease (acute, chronic or degenerative)
Allergies, food sensitivities and preferred foods
Pathogens (precise bacteria, fungus, virus, etc).
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3D NLS-graphy and computer tomography in diagnostics of benign tumors of greater salivary glands
Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of certain skin diseases.
Estimation of lumbar spine after surgical measures on intervertebral disc according to NLS-data
3D NLS-graphy and computer tomography in diagnostics of benign tumors of greater salivary glands
Nonlinear (NLS) diagnostics of early manifestations of knee-joint osteoarthrosis
NLS in diagnostics of vertebrobasilar system strokes
Three-dimensional NLS-graphy in diagnostics of chronic pseudo-tumor-like pancreatitis
3D NLS-graphy in full-scale study of urinary bladder tumors
Scope of combined NLS-study for evaluation of patients with cervix carcinoma treatment efficiency
Non-linear diagnostics of purulent-destructive diseases of lungs and pleura
Three-dimensional computed NLS-graphy in renal cancer stage diagnosing