Heavy metals

Heavy metals interfere with the metylation cycle, among other things. What does this process look like when it’s broken? After reading the following, you will be able to envision the implications of defects or mutations.
The following is an example of the health problems that might occur.

1. Poor nerve function leads to muscle twitching, numbness, and weakness yet misfires can cause seizures, fatigue, memory loss, word groping, clumsiness (with falls & injuries), and visual or hearing loss in those with MS, CFS/ME, or Autism Spectrum Disorders.

2. Depending on the neuro-talker, imbalances often lead to a variety of disorders including: depression, anxiety, panic attacks, irritability, mood swings, OCD, ADD/ADHD, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, spaciness, insomnia, and poor concentration and focus.

3. Gene expression can lead to many unwanted disease processes such as malignancy/cancer (melanoma, breast/uterine/ovarian, prostate, MDS, leukemia), neurological (ALS, MS, Parkinson’s), autoimmune (CFS/ME, lupus, ulcerative colitis, mixed connective disease), endocrine (diabetes, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal disorders), Gastrointestinal (pancreatitis, Crohn’s, stomach/colon cancer, hemochromatosis), or Heart/cardiac (blood vessel disorders, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attacks), etc.

4. Deficiencies in RNA & DNA lead to poor growth & development, poor healing, and lack of bowel or brain cell regeneration so that as cells die, they cannot be readily replaced.

5. Poor communication between the brain and the immune system means the difference between successfully fighting off a simple cold vs. allowing the virus to develop into a more severe bacterial infection, such as meningitis or pneumonia.

6. Inability to utilize sulfur leads to toxic sulfites and can substantially reduce glutathione production. As the backbone of the immune system and major antioxidant, glutathione deficiency leads to poor immunity & inability to naturally clean up accumulating toxins, leading to widespread collateral damage.

7. Cholesterol accumulation leads to fat deposits around organs and within blood vessels, which may cause strokes or heart attacks, whereas inability to use cholesterol can lead to Vit D shortages as well as imbalances within testosterone, estrogen, & insulin.

8. Lack of hormone regulation leads to diabetes, as is the case with insulin, or breast & endometrial cancer, as often occurs with high estrogen levels.

9. Too much histamine allows for an overactive allergic response, such as the near fatal reaction to eating peanuts or strawberries, whereas low levels may lead to anxiety disorders.

10. Poor protein repair and production has far-reaching effects including: a). Shortages in amino acids allow for poor detoxification, immunity, healing & growth, b). Lack of oxygen via hemoglobin leads to poor cell & tissue repair and more infection & damage to tiny blood vessels, c). Low antibody formation causes immune deficiencies due to lack of T & B cells, d). Without sufficient elastin & collagen, there’s greater risk for injury & musculoskeletal dysfunction with weakness as well as poor healing.

11. RNA acts as both a translator and chemical messenger to DNA for cell identity so that any interference allows room for error within genetic coding. This contributes to genetic typos or SNPs (snips).

12. DNA methylation allows for accurate cell identity & errors here may impede proper cell function. Diseases include cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, & Hemophilia.

13. When the cell isn’t able to regulate its’ contents, electrolyte imbalances (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium) occur, limiting cell communication. Alzheimer’s, autism, MS, and Crohn’s Disease are all cases in which poor cell membrane fluidity plays a significant role.

14. Without filtering, toxic accumulation of heavy metals, ammonia, sulfites, phenols, glutamates, & other substances lead to toxic threshold. Many feel this is a significant factor behind regressive autism, CFS/ME, MS, ALS, neuropathy, dementia, cancer, and many other chronic diseases and disorders.

15. The inability to govern and repair free radical damage causes widespread cell, tissue, & organ damage and is instrumental in the aging process as well as headaches, lethargy, and symptoms of fatigue or disorders such as autism, CFS/ME, neuropathy and chronic pain.
16. Improper methylation of histones is a known trigger behind tumors & malignancies such as leukemia and a variety of cancers.

17. High homocysteine (HCY) levels are related to heart disease, strokes, and cancer. Recent studies reveal an association between mothers with high HCY levels & children later developing schizophrenia.

18. The inability to convert nutrients into useable forms is highly associated with heart disease, strokes, clotting disorders, infertility, spina bifida, cancer, and a multitude of diseases and disorders.

19. Poor cell turnover, repair, and maintenance are a prime example of why so many have developed inflammatory bowel disorders, leaky gut syndrome, and yeast overgrowth as well as neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia & autism.

20. Without adequate BH4, we cannot make the neuro-talkers we need to maintain health and happiness, neurological function, waste cleanup, or nitric oxide in order to protect the heart and brain.
Important points include:
  • Mercury and other heavy metals have a high affinity for sulfhydryl groups, inactivating numerous enzymatic reactions, amino acids, and sulfur-containing antioxidants, with subsequent decreased oxidant defense and increased oxidative stress. Translated that means that the heavy metals attach themselves to sulphur containing enzymes in the body, preventing them from neutralizing free radicals.
  • Mercury causes the energy producing mitochondria to not function properly, depletes the important antioxidant glutathione and increases the oxidation of lipids (i.e. it rusts fat).
  • The overall vascular effects of mercury include oxidative stress (damage from free radicals), inflammation, thrombosis (blood clotting), vascular smooth muscle dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, abnormal cholesterol, immune dysfunction, and mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • Mercury and other heavy metals inactivate an enzyme known as COMT which is usually responsible for breaking down adrenaline. This therefore leads to high blood pressure.
  • The clinical consequences of mercury toxicity include hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart attacks, carotid artery blockages, strokes, generalized atherosclerosis, and kidney failure.
  • Selenium antagonizes mercury toxicity.
  • Heavy metal toxicity, especially mercury and cadmium, should be evaluated in any patient with hypertension, coronary heart disease, or other vascular disease.