Tests that can be useful

 Mood and Mental Health Disorder Testing:

Hormone Testing
Hormones are directly involved with mood, mental health, happiness and neurotransmitter levels.

Hormones which may be tested include:

• Thyroid hormones.

• Stress hormones, including cortisol and DHEAs.

• Progesterone and Oestrogens.

• Testosterone.


Neurotransmitter Testing
The Neurotransmitter Panel tests the neurotransmitters which control our mental health and moods. Either high or low levels of neurotransmitters can cause issues for our mental health and happiness, such as anxiety, depression, stress, ADHD and Parkinson’s.

Test including test kit and lab = $360.00
Neurotransmitters tested include:

• Serotonin – associated with feeling happy and calm, low levels may be associated with anxiety, depression and insomnia.

• GABA –required for relaxation, calmness, lowering pain perception and sleep initiation, low levels may be associated with irritability, restlessness and insomnia.

• Dopamine – important for focus and motivation, memory, mental and physical alertness, low levels are associated with depression and apathy.

• Noradrenalin/Norepinephrine and Adrenalin/Epinephrine – mediates the body’s “fight or flight” stress response.

• Glutamate – required for GABA production, however elevated levels can be neurotoxic (excitotoxic) and create anxiety.

Inflammation Tests
Inflammation throughout the body adversely affects our general health as well as our neurotransmitter levels and mental health.

Tests for inflammation can include:

• CRP or high-sensitivity CRP.

• ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).

• Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acid levels.

• 17-Keto Steroids, Total OH Corticoids, Ratios.

• Cytokines including IL1, IL2, IL4, IL5, IL6, IL10, IL13, INFγ, TNFα, TNFβ, TGFβ.


Pyrroles Test (also known as Pyroluria, Pyrrole Disorder, kryptopyrroles and Mauve Factor)
Pyrroles commonly cause symptoms of anxiety, depression, emotional outbursts and severe mood-swings. Pyrroles may be associated with many disorders such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and autism. A simple urine test will confirm if you have high pyrroles levels, and with the correct nutritional medicine, dramatic improvements are generally observed within the first few weeks.

Copper Excess/Deficiency
High copper can cause anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and learning disability in children, depression and postnatal depression in women, as well as being associated with autism, bipolar and paranoid schizophrenia.

Under/Over Methylation and Histamine levels
Methylation and histamine levels are intimately linked, and usually tested together. Both high and low levels of these will affect our mental and emotional well being, including anxiety, anorexia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, chemical or food sensitivities, paranoia. High histamine levels are also associated with the onset and progression of both Parkinson’s’ and Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin D Blood Test
Vitamin D deficiency is highly common in Australia, affecting as much as 80% of the population during the winter months and slightly less over summer. Vitamin D deficiency is clinically associated with depression and low mood states.

Essential Fatty Acid Testing (Omega-3 and Omega-6 levels)
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are not only important for general health and heart health, but are also vital for brain health, including cognitive function, mental clarity, concentration, and focus.

The brain is also comprised of approximately 60% EFAs, providing fluidity to cell membranes and assisting in communication between cells. Deficiency of DHA, a type of EFA, has been associated with depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dementia, amongst a number of other conditions.

This test includes:

• Omega-3s: ALA, EPA, DPA, DHA.

• Omega-6s: LA, DGLA, AA.

• Omega-3/omega-6 ratios.

• Saturated, monounsaturated, PUFAs, HUFAs.

• Comprehensive breakdown of remainder of essential fatty acids.

Glucose Dysregulation, Hypoglycaemia or Blood Sugar Imbalances:
We all know someone who gets cranky if they’ve gone too long without a meal,this is a common symptom of hypoglycaemia, or low blood sugar.
Hypoglycaemia is currently not generally recognised or tested for by Australian GPs, however it is a wide-spread issue that can affect a person’s quality of life and well being.
Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include irritability and irrational anger which is resolved after eating a meal, drowsiness after meals, craving for sugar or carbohydrates, trembling, anxiety, poor concentration or focus, and even fainting.

Folate Blood Testing
Low folate levels are associated with depression, symptoms of anxiety, and sleeping issues.
There are currently tests available for:

• Folate/folic acid.

• RBC folate/folic acid (red blood cell folate/folic acid).

• Unmetabolised folate.

Heavy Metal Testing
Heavy metals are known to cause a myriad of symptoms, from anxiety, fatigue or depression to serious personality changes in severe cases. There are several methods of testing for the presence of heavy metals within the body, the simplest of which is hair testing (Hair Mineral Analysis) or other tests.