

 Undermethylation AKA Histadelia.

Methyl (CH3) is the simplest organic molecule and is responsible for a vast number of functions in our body. Methyl is for instance used in DNA-methylation (protein production necessary for gene expression) and is also the essential component for formation of neurotransmitters controlling brain function. Therefore there will be some significant symptoms, both physical and psychological):

1. (Psychological) Depression, maybe mild. You might not be aware of it yourself since it has been like that all your life, even though other people enjoy life, social activities, music and laugh more than you. Getting up in the morning might not be one of your favorite things to do. Little energy. The reason is low levels of neurotransmitters.

2. (Both physical due to capillaries, and also because of being low on neurotransmitters): Low pain threshold (easily burned, etc.)

3. (Other psychological saqaqaymptoms) Poor short-time memory* and not remembering dreams (due to lacking vitamin B6 and key neurotransmitters). High accomplishment and self-motivated (read: loner), very strong willed but poor concentration endurance, bouts of adrenal exhaustion. Shy, antisocial personality, infrequent and terse speech, obsessive-compulsive tendencies (OCD), intrusive/excessive thoughts interfering with daily life, oversensitive, phobias, inner tension, strong will, competitiveness (especially in sports and games), perfectionist, not satisfied with body, might wake up at night (easily woken), unwillingness/noncompliance to be treated/therapies (do it yourself), denial of illness (hiding problems), lack of empathy (psychopathic tendencies in severe cases), not showing emotions, catatonic, calm but inner tension, episodes of blank mind, oppositional as child/youth, cries easily, phobias, ritualistic behaviour, internal anxiety, rumination about past events, delusions, dietary inflexibility, high libido, easy orgasm, not hitting notes, not so interested in music. Same reason as above (low on neurotransmitters). High histamine and low serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

4. (Physical) High body temperature, profuse perspiration, heavy salivary flow/tears etc., strong teeth, prominent incisors, veins often prominent, more capillaries give you, for instance, quicker sunburn (depends on skin complexion), and frostbites. Sparse facial/body hair (beard/chest/arm/leg) with men (weaker hair growth). Acne*, early aging* (wrinkles, etc.), gray hair* and white spots* on fingernails (due to lacking Zinc/SAM-e). Maybe larger ears (growing due to excessive heat), long fingers and toes (depending on other genetics also). Prone to sneezing in sunlight, seasonal allergies (if high histamine), autoimmune diseases, cancer, respiratory allergies/asthma, rhinitis, hives, glue ear, osteoporosis, arthritis, cataracts, MS, lupus, headaches, backaches, muscle cramps (due to lacking magnesium), peptic ulcers, autoimmune disorders, anorexia and bulimia. Women give birth to mostly male offspring. Fast metabolism: might have a lean build despite hearty appetite (depending on other factors of course).

Due to mostly male offspring from women, most likely either your father only (mostly) had brothers or you mothers father only (mostly) had brothers. Then again the parent/grandparent who only had brothers had a mother that was undermethylated and then again had a father with only (mostly) brothers and so on (this is not 100% certain of course, but very likely). The undermethylated mother usually gives birth to male children because thin copious vaginal secretions foster the creation of males.

There are both benefits and disadvantages from being undermethylated, but correcting imbalances (especially undermethylation) will probably only be experienced as beneficial in many ways (chances of being over-methylated are small, and moving towards the "normal" area is only beneficial both mentally and physically).

Undermethylation is often combined with *Pyroluria caused by stress that depletes the body even more of vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc (which is already quite low with under-methylators). If so, these symptoms can occur also: dry/pale skin, stretch marks, acne, acetonic breath/body odor, delayed growth puberty, inability to tan, sunburned, white spots on fingernails, early gray hair, frequent infections, morning nausea, hypersensitive to light and noise, poor sense of smell/taste, preference for spicy food, sensitive to gluten/casein, oxidative stress, stitch in side when running, extreme mood swings, poor stress control, overwhelmed of criticism, adverse to changes in routine, histrionic behaviour, impulsive, fatigue, less dream recall, problem with sugar metabolism, intolerance/sensitivity to some proteins/alcohol and others.

 Animal proteins contain an amino acid histidine, which the body can convert to histamine. (Provided the conversion systems are in good working order - all components are present).
Histamine increases saliva production - washes the oral cavity and keeps it free of bacteria. As a result, there are fewer cavities.
  Histamine is a molecule that is found in the blood. In the brain (synapsis of neurons)  the same molecule acts as a neurotransmitter. 

If the histamine is “undermethylated”, it can begin to build up in the system. When blood contains high levels of histamine (known as histadelia by the Pfeiffer treatment centre), the excess histamine is stored in the blood basophils (a type of white blood cell involved with inflammatory reactions in your body) and brain neurons.

This in turn can result in low levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine – the chemicals responsible for making us feel good. Despite a high energy drive, those suffering from histadelia can often also show symptoms of depression due to low serotonin levels.

Clinical Characteristics
High achiever - Self motivated through school - High achiever before illness - Strong willed - High motivation - High libido - High energy - Addictive behaviour - Calm demeanour - High inner tension - Low pain tolerance - Sparse hair growth - Family history - Catatonic psychosis - Delusional - Phobias - Diagnoses of OCD/ODD - Frequent headaches - Difficult transitions - Denial of illness - Non compliance - Social isolation - Ruminations regarding past - Heat intolerant - Seasonal allergies

    High histamine
    Low Zinc
    Low copper
    High basophil count
    Low homocysteine
    High heavy metals on hair analysis

UNDERMETHEYLATION:Medication Reactions
    Adverse reactions to benzodiazepines
    Good response antihistamines
    Adverse reaction B complex vitamins
    Good response to SSRIs except terrible side effects

 Blood test measuring SAM/SAH ratio is the most reliable lab-test.




The Methylation Cycle and Mental Health

Active gene sequences are undermethylated

Methylation: the body's Alchemical wizardry

Orthomolecular Treatment Response
















Little or no hair

Good teeth

Second toe longer

Thin lean body