Pyroluria was initially described by Abram Hoffer. This condition is not related to schizophrenia in conventional medicine.
PYRROLURIA (zinc and B6 deplete): Clinical Characteristics
Poor stress control -Anxiety - Mood swings - Temper - Severe depression - Irritability - Little or no dream recall - Poor short term memory - Noise/light sensitivity - Affinity for spicy food - Reading disorder - Behaviour/learning problems - Underachievement at school - Fear or airplane travel - Impulsivity - Hyperactivity - Food and chemical allergies - Delay/skip breakfast - Inability to tan - Frequent infections - Poor growth –FTT - Premature greying - Poor muscle development - Delayed puberty - Poor wound healing - Delicate facial features
Elevated Kryptopyrroles
Zinc and B6 depletion
Also known as the mauve factor, see lab test below, where th elevels are 6.7 times over the limit.
Pyroluria is a an oxidative stress induced physiological disorder.
Pyrroles needed for the formation of the porfirin ring of the heme are excessively excreted.
This leads to a depletion of the body of vitamin B6 and Zinc.
The condition is diagnosed by the presence of a "mauve Factor" in urine.
Pyrroles react with Eehrlich's reagent to produce a mauve color
Only 11% of people with a normal mental status have this condition.
Kryptopyrroles may be found in the urine of up to 24% of children with behavior abnormalities,
42% of psychiatric patients, and up to 52% of schizophrenic patients.
Among other important functions B6 and Zn regulate normal cartilage metabolism.
The presence of urinary pyrroles (mauve factor) was first reported in patients with LSD psychosis.
Later, high levels of pyrroles were found in the urine of schizophrenic patients.
The chemical structure is a 2,4 dimethyl-3-ethylpyrrole. It is also called kryptopyrrole.
Kryptos comes from the Greek word "hidden."
Kryptopyrrole testing aids in detection of Pyrrole disorder (Pyroluria) which is characterized
by a dramatic deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6.
Pylouria frequently occurs in behavior disorders.
Diseases in addition to schizophrenia that may have pyroluria as one of the contributing factors include:
autism, Asperger's, ADHD, ADD, depression, bipolar disorders, alcoholism assaultive or aggressive behavior, and Down's syndrome.
In normal urine, the amount of pyrroles excreted is small, less than 20 ug/dL.
It has been reported that kryptopyrrole will form a Shiff base with the aldehyde form of vitamin B6 in the blood.
This combination will then bind with zinc. As large amounts of kryptopyrroles are excreted in the urine, zinc and b6 will be depleted.
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